Irreversible Pulpitis

As a carious lesion progresses, the pulp becomes infiltrated with bacteria and inflamed. Ultimately, pulp necrosis results. If untreated, inflammation will reach the apex of the tooth, eventually leading to periapical periodontitis (inflammation of the apical area of the periodontal ligament) and subsequent periapical abscess or cellulitis.


  • Tooth is often sensitive to percussion
  • Pain is severe, persistent, and poorly localized

Treatment & Referral

  • Root canal or tooth extraction
  • Root canal involves removal of the pulp and filling of the residual space, followed by placement of a crown
  • Analgesics are often necessary
AAFP Home Study Program - with permission
AAFP Home Study Program - with permission
Joanna Douglass, BDS, DDS
Joanna Douglass, BDS, DDS