Smiles for Life Curriculum Integration Toolkit
Click on the following links to download supporting materials that enhance the Smiles for Life curriculum.
Implementation Guide
This guide reviews the content of Smiles for Life in detail and provides guidance on how to implement and utilize the curriculum. Click Here
Educational Objectives
This document provides a comprehensive set of educational objectives organized by ACGME competency. They can serve as an outline for curriculum development within a residency or pre-doctoral program, or a basis for competency-based learner evaluation. A second, abbreviated set of educational objectives specific to a single subject area is included at the beginning of each PowerPoint modules. Click here
Test Questions
This document provides a set of multiple choice questions organized by subject area to assess learner knowledge either before or after presenting the PowerPoint modules. Click Here
Text Resources for Further Learning
This document lists high quality resources, including articles, books, and websites that facilitate further learning about oral health. They are organized by subject area. The list is not designed to be comprehensive, but instead to serve as a first stop for general learning. More detailed references on specific topics within each subject area are included in the speaker notes that accompany each PowerPoint module. Click Here
Clinical Skills Lesson Plan
This document outlines a clinical education session teaching the Oral and ENT examinations by incorporating one or more SFL modules into a “flipped classroom” model for early clinical learners. This lesson can be structured as an experiential learning activity and includes a sample evaluation tool that can be adapted to fit your specific curricular requirements. Click Here
Teaching Cases for Small Group Instruction
Cases are intended for use in the small group or classroom setting using a patient-based approach with an interprofessional education focus. Learner versions contain case specifics with proposed questions that can be completed in advance if preferred. Moderator versions contain the case information, case-specific questions, potential responses, discussion questions, background material, and references. Educators can feel free to modify these cases to specific learner needs and settings.
Interactive Flash Card Game
This resource was created to be used by an individual or in a classroom setting as a pre-test or to review knowledge following course completion. Questions and answers are based on information contained in each of the 8 modules. Click here to link to the Interactive Flash Card home page. Module-specific links are also available on both Home and Summary & Assessment pages.
Curriculum Download (Power Point)
The PowerPoint Slide Sorter is intended to allow educators to customize presentations by downloading only select slides from one or more modules. If you wish to view all the slides in a course and only select slides of interest, click a module below to begin. You are able to download slides from one course at a time, but these can be combined to form a new PowerPoint presentation. Note that the individual slides cannot be edited.